Patrick Breyer – Digital freedom fighter and former Member of European Parliament for the German and the European Pirate Party
Europe’s voice of privacy and the free Internet
About me
I passionately defend human rights in the age of the digital revolution.
I have been active in the civil liberties movement for many years. In court I successfully contested the first German law on data retention and the law on access to subscriber data. I have sued for Internet surfers’ privacy and achieved access to information regarding Court documents in the EU Commission’s possession.
In the European Parliament, as a member of the Greens/European Free Alliance group, I worked on issues including indiscriminate messaging and chat control, European Digital Identity, European space for health data (EHDS) and privacy in electronic communications (ePrivacy) – more of my former responsibilities here.
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Latest Posts
Chat control: EU Ombudsman criticises revolving door between Europol and chat control tech lobbyist Thorn
Half-good new Polish Chat Control proposal to be discussed on Wednesday
Latest Videos
Digital Euro? A Bad Proposal!

Julian Assange: Germany has to say and something!

Julian Assange to be extradited? Keep up the pressure on the UK!

Julian Assange: Intimidating the press to keep us ignorant

EU restrictions on cash payments: Hands off our cash!

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange: Will Europe break its silence?

EU to make interconnected electronic patient records mandatory for all citizens

EU Parliament doesn't want Chat Control! What next?

#ChatControl: The way out

Real child protection is possible without data retention!

Banning TikTok is not enough to stop the surveillance capitalist business model!

Digital Education: How is the EU helping?

Amazing #AIAct victory: EU Parliament just voted to fully ban real-time #facialrecognition in Europe!

Data retention: Myths and Facts

Pirates sailing together in the European Parliament

My priorities for Europe
Protecting human rights in the digital age
Right to privacy instead of mass surveillance and data retention – because it is nobody’s business, with whom you are in contact and which websites you visit.
Right to the free exchange of information and opinions – so that nobody censors or filters what you are allowed to read and write on the Internet.
Modern, fair copyright law – so that you can no longer be cashed in by lawyers.
Free software and free knowledge – because projects and ideas get better when everyone can work on them.
Right to free movement – because reintroducing border controls in Europe is the wrong way to go.
Update for Europe
As the “Robin Hood of politics” we want to give power back to the citizens
Disclosure of contacts between lobbyists and politicians in order to curb the influence of business on politics.
Publication of official documents instead of secret agreements (e.g. TTIP).
Citizen participation and direct democracy instead of backroom politics behind closed doors.
Protection instead of prosecution of whistleblowers.
Rule of law for everyone instead of private arbitration courts for corporations.