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These nominees have no place at the EU’s helm

European Parliament

Beyond the scope of the Legal Affairs Committee‘s examination of conflicts of interest, the political integrity of the remaining Commissioner-nominees remains to be scrutinised by the European Parliament as a whole. In my opinion several nominees lack the integrity for becoming members of the European Commission, whose role is to be the guardian of the Treaties:

  • Nominees Goulard (FR) and Reynders (BE) are currently under criminal investigation for possible crimes committed in office; Mrs Goulard had to resign as a minister of France.
  • Nominee Plumb (RO) was to be criminally investigated for abusing her powers to the benefit of her party‘s leader, who has himself been convicted for corruption; Mrs Plumb had to resign as a minister of Romania.
  • Nominee Wojciechowski (PL) has been investigated by OLAF for falsely claiming travel expenses as a Member of Parliament, and has returned over €11,000.
  • Nominee Trocsanyi (HU) has been an architect of Orban‘s autocratic ‚illiberal democracy‘ and repeatedly violated the rule of law.

The public faith in the EU is already low, and euro-sceptics are on the rise. It would be inexcusable to put persons at the EU‘s helm who cannot even be trusted to obey the law.

Photo by Helenɑ



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