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#EuGoingDark surveillance plan: timeline, agenda, background

Freiheit, Demokratie und Transparenz Pressemitteilungen

Highly controversial, non-transparent and rarely questioned: the Commission and Council of the European Union are currently preparing a new, EU-wide digital surveillance package. The plan includes the reintroduction and expansion of the retention of citizens’ communications data as well as specific proposals to undermine the secure encryption of data on all connected devices, ranging from cars to smartphones, as well as data processed by service providers and data in transit.

Behind closed doors the Commission has announced it is already preparing impact assessments and an implementation plan.

Former Pirate Party MEP and digital freedom fighter in the European Parliament Patrick Breyer comments:
“The plan is still widely unknown among citizens, journalists and politicians, even though we hold the documents in our hands and the extent of the plans is frightening. A number of questions remain unanswered.”


Landing page about the »High-Level Group (HLG) on access to data for effective law enforcement« provides background information, press reports, documents and my view on the group’s plan.


From September 2024 onward:

Open questions

  • Who participated in the meetings of the #EuGoingDark group and its sub-groups? Participant lists are still undisclosed. Mullvad VPN has reported that at least one former US secret service official has participated.
  • Why were digital rights NGOs such as EDRi not invited to the meetings of the working group even when the group‘s website says it is an “collaborative and inclusive platform for stakeholders from all relevant sectors“?
  • Why aren‘t the group and its sub-groups registered in the Register of Commission Expert Groups and other similar entities (i.e. consultative entities) which would provide for significantly more transparency?
  • How do the new EU Commissioners directly and indirectly involved in the issues concerned, the European Ombudsman, the data protection authorities of the EU and the member states, IT security experts, consumer protection organisations and others assess the working methods and plans of the #EuGoingDark-group?

Contacts to the group

European Commission
Directorate-General Migration & Home Affairs
46 Rue de Luxembourg | B-1049 Brussels | Belgium
E-Mail: EC-HLG-GOING-DARK [:at:] ec.europa.eu.

Olivier Onidi
Deputy Director General
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
European Commission